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The Behavioral and Teaching Center in Warka
The Center’s symbolic opening date was September 1, 1987. The Warka Education and Nurture Inspector (Inspektor Oświaty i Wychowania w Warce) was instrumental in creating an institution whose role was to serve children and youth in the district of Grójec, which was named the Nurture and Career Counseling Office (Poradnia Wychowawczo-Zawodowa).
The establishing body behind this institution was the Radom Board of Education (Kuratorium Oświaty w Radomiu). The office was first located in the former boarding of a high school in Warka. Its role was to help parents, legal guardians, schools and other institutions working with children and youth to prevent educational and upbringing problems and offer the young career counseling.
In 1993, the Nurture and Career Counseling Office was restructured and renamed The Behavioral and Teaching Center in Warka (Poradnia Psychologiczno-Pedagogiczna w Warce). The Center moved to the Culture, Sports, and Recreation Center building. Since January 1999, the authority in charge has been the Grójec District Governor, and the authority responsible for the pedagogical supervision is the Radom Branch of the Education Office in Warsaw.
The Center operates in three municipalities: Warka, Chynów, and Jasieniec. Since April 2007, the Behavioral and Teaching Center in Warka has been located in a renovated former police station building at 11 Grójecka Street.
The Center offers workshops for parents and teachers, group activities, and individual therapy for children. The Center’s staff teaches lectures in addition to organizing workshops and screening tests for students.