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1st Air Fighter Regiment “Warsaw” School Complex in Warka

The 1st Air Fighter Regiment “Warsaw” School Complex (Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych im. 1 Pułku Lotnictwa Myśliwskiego “Warszawa”) has played a great role in Warka’s vocational education. In 1927, a Higher Public Vocational School (Publiczna Szkoła Dokształcająca Zawodowa) was created. In the years just after the War, Warka authorities also opened an Industrial School of the Machine Tool Factory “Warka” (Szkoła Przemysłowa Fabryki Obrabiarek i Narzędzi ‘Warka’), a State Industrial School (Państwowa Szkoła Przemysłowa), and a Public Vocational Secondary School (Publiczna Średnia Szkoła Zawodowa). The above schools were closed around 1955.

Vocational education was revived on September 1, 1959, through a subsidiary of the Elementary School in Piaseczno near Warsaw. Several years later, the school became independent as an educational center for those already working and was named Basic Vocational School (Zasadnicza Szkoła Zawodowa). In 1963, a Mechanical School (Technikum Mechaniczne) opened its doors, and in 1965, another 5-grade Mechanical School followed, this one, however, dedicated to the non-working youth. In 1971, the school moved to a new building at Obwodowa Street.

In 1973, the authorities created a Vocational School Complex (Zespół Szkół Zawodowych), which on October 6, 1973 was named for the 1st Air Fighter Regiment “Warsaw.” In the early 1980s, several other institutions followed: an Electrical School (Technikum Elektryczne), a Vocational High School (Liceum Zawodowe), basic programs, and programs teaching more than one profession. In 1989, Principal Stanisław Jankowski, who held the office since 1983, retired and was replaced by Jan Traczyk.

In 2002, the Grójec District Council (Rada Powiatu Grójeckiego) decided to reorganize the Vocational School Complex into Post-Secondary School Complex (Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych), and in the following year, Grójec District Management Board (Zarząd Powiatu Grójeckiego) presented the School with a new banner. The 1st Air Fighter Regiment “Warsaw” Post-Secondary School Complex in Warka consisted of: a High School (Liceum Ogólnokształcące), Trade School (Liceum Profilowane), Technical School (Technikum), and a Basic Vocational School (Zasadnicza Szkoła Zawodowa).

After the education reform of 2017, which abolished middle schools in Poland, the school was renamed 1st Air Fighter Regiment “Warsaw” School Complex in Warka. The current school principal is Anna Górnicka, who took over from Dorota Kreczmańska (2007–2019).

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